Undecided, I decided...

Last year of university... Almost ready to get my Bachelor's Degree, Psychology Major... And then, undecided about what to do, I decided that I wanted to make the most of this last year...

For starters, I decided that I want to do my MA and PhD in Paris, France... Eek!!!!! I'm so excited and working so hard to make this happen!!!

Secondly, I decided that this year is going to be the most fashionable year yet!!! That is why I upload an outfit-of-the-day picture to Facebook and Pinterest EVERYDAY!!! I've had a great feedback!

In third place, I decided that my university social life will be vibrant and fun... So far, it's been AMAZEBALLS!!! That's right!!! For four years, I've had the most amazing friends and co-students (if that's a word!) and this year they've been EVEN BETTER!!! Couldn't have asked for a better social life!!!

In other smaller words, undecided of what to do with my last year of university, I decided that it would be an honor to have the BEST YEAR yet!!! =.)

-Alejandra Risanti =.)
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
