The Big Paris Experience!!!
This blog is soooo long overdue!!!
It's been about 3 months now since I've been back from Paris and I guess I never really left the outskirts of the Eiffel Tower... I'm still there!
I tried to record some videos but I guess I was too caught up in the magic of the city, I took tons of pictures but not a proper, youtube worthy video! =.( My bad! But who could blame me, it was the first time I had traveled to Europe and I first visited Paris, the city of lights and love!
And when I say light, I mean those gorgeous little lights that light up my beloved Madame Tour Eiffel. And when I say love, I mean I fell in love with every corner of Paris, every museum, every light, every lamp post, EVERYTHING!!!
There's sooo much to be said about this super vacation of my life. Starting with, I came back with so much happiness in my heart, nothing has been able to delete that, I came back so different, with a different point of view of me, of the world and the people around me.
I... You know sometimes, we forget stuff, I for one, tend to forget minimal stuff, sometimes even parts of conversations... Well, not now... There's NOTHING I have forgotten about this trip... Not one converstion, not one museum experience, nothing really!!!
Paris, made me different, more in love with life, more in love with myself, more in tune with life!!! Paris, and some other things too (*wink wink*)!!!
Here are two pictures of the trip, for more pics check my Facebook albums, everything's there! And I mean EVERYTHING!!! =.)

This one does not need explanation!!! =.)

Frenchy style!!! =.)
Q's of the Week:
Is there some place on Earth you cannot wait to visit? What do you expect of the place? Do you think it will make that dream of yours come true?
-Alejandra Risanti =.)
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
It's been about 3 months now since I've been back from Paris and I guess I never really left the outskirts of the Eiffel Tower... I'm still there!
I tried to record some videos but I guess I was too caught up in the magic of the city, I took tons of pictures but not a proper, youtube worthy video! =.( My bad! But who could blame me, it was the first time I had traveled to Europe and I first visited Paris, the city of lights and love!
And when I say light, I mean those gorgeous little lights that light up my beloved Madame Tour Eiffel. And when I say love, I mean I fell in love with every corner of Paris, every museum, every light, every lamp post, EVERYTHING!!!
There's sooo much to be said about this super vacation of my life. Starting with, I came back with so much happiness in my heart, nothing has been able to delete that, I came back so different, with a different point of view of me, of the world and the people around me.
I... You know sometimes, we forget stuff, I for one, tend to forget minimal stuff, sometimes even parts of conversations... Well, not now... There's NOTHING I have forgotten about this trip... Not one converstion, not one museum experience, nothing really!!!
Paris, made me different, more in love with life, more in love with myself, more in tune with life!!! Paris, and some other things too (*wink wink*)!!!
Here are two pictures of the trip, for more pics check my Facebook albums, everything's there! And I mean EVERYTHING!!! =.)
This one does not need explanation!!! =.)
Frenchy style!!! =.)
Q's of the Week:
Is there some place on Earth you cannot wait to visit? What do you expect of the place? Do you think it will make that dream of yours come true?
-Alejandra Risanti =.)
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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